tiistai 28. huhtikuuta 2015

                           Ravintola Silveria otti varaslähdön vappuun! 
Eilen meidän kakkosluokkalaiset koristelivat Silverian vapputeemalla. Ilmapallot ja värikkäät kattaukset toivat vapputunnelmaa niin asiakkaille kuin myös henkilökunnallekin. Aurinkoinen sää on antanut kauniin ja keväisen tunnelman ravintolaamme . Kattava buffet pöytä sai kehuja salaatti valikoimasta sekä pääruoat olivat maistuneet hyvin asiakkaillemme.

Tervetuloa nauttimaan hymyilevästä asiakaspalvelusta sekä Vapputeemaisesta opetusravintola Silveriasta! 😊🎉
Aurinkoisin terveisin: Mmco14A ja MMTVK13A

perjantai 24. huhtikuuta 2015

                                                         Exchange student from Lavia.

Hello, my name is Kristofer Grauveiss and I am an exchange student from Latvia. I have been in Vaasa for almost 3 weeks and I have had a very good experiance here.
I live in an apartment in the center of Vaasa. I have walked around Vaasa and seen all the beautiful places in this city and have enjoyed every one of them.

                                                    I Kristofer with finnish student girl    :)

As an exchange student, I work in the restaurant Silveria as a waiter. When I came to Silveria I didn't know anything about waitering and working in a restaurant, but even on the first day I made friends here who helped me and tought me how to work as a waiter.
All the students that I am working with have been very helpful and friendly and even when I made a mistake, no one got angry, they just showed me the correct way to do something. The teachers in Silveria are the ones who I should thank the most, because they encoureged me to do something I have never done and guided me through my day and I am very thankful for that. I wish to come back here some day, because this was one of my best experiences.